VILLAGE OF GARLAND Regular Meeting Minutes – January 7, 2025 - 7pm 1. Pledge: •Call meeting to order/roll call •All board meetings are recorded •Trustees present, Bryce Standley, Marilyn Patsch, Emmanuel Morales, Todd Strauss 2. December 3rd, 2024 Minutes, Waive reading of minutes: motioned by Patsch, 2nd by Strauss, approved, Approve December 3rd Minutes: Motion Patsch, 2nd Standley, all aye 3. Claims, Waive reading of claims: motioned by Standley, 2nd by Strauss, approved, Approve Claims: Motion Patsch, 2nd Standley, all aye 4. Public Comment: This is a 10 minute period of time for the board to listen to public comments on any subject. The public is encouraged to participate. 5. Clerk/Maintenance Report, Clerks Reports: Regnier reported the village attorney is requesting only the village board or the village clerk contact their office. The board is requesting a representative of the Hoffschiender law office be in attendance at the board meetings. Regnier is requesting a shredder, Mark Henning is donating a shredder, Questions from the state auditor's office have been received, Regnier will be answering their questions. Maintenance Report: Regnier requested a replacement printer be purchased for the west pump house, board agreed. Gave a report from Viking Water Tower Maintenance on an idea of a “Pay as you Go” concept for having money set aside for water tower projects. Requested a new metal detector as the other metal detector is lost or stolen. The board wants additional pricing. 6. Fire Depart Report, Nicole Wegman that the village needs to approved 1 or 2 signers to be added to the fire department bank accounts at Jones Banks. • Signers for General Account: Motioned by Patsch, 2nd Strauss for Bryce Standley, Village Chairperson, Wayne Regnier, Village Clerk and Nicole Wegman, Village Fire Department Treasurer to be signers for the General Account. motion Passed, •Signors for Rescue Account:motioned by Patsch, 2nd Strauss for Bryce Standley, Village Chairperson, Wayne Regnier, Village Clerk and Nicole Wegman, Village Fire Department Treasurer to be signers on the Rescue Account, motion passed. •View Only Access: Wegman also requested that Ryan Burger with the village accounting firm of GBE be given view only access to the Fire Departments General and Rescue Accounts, Motioned by Standley, 2nd by Strauss to give Ryan Burger with GBE view only access to the fire departments General and Rescue accounts at Jones Bank. 7.Trustee Commissioners, Discussion, Standley would like to add a Grants Commissioner. The board chair did not act on these appointments and tabled until the next meeting. •Street Commissioner •Utilities Commissioner •Parks, Recreation and Grounds Commissioner •Planning, Zoning Commissioner •Health and Safety Commissioner 8. Old Business: •ARPA update, added JR Trenching $1,525, The addition of including the JR Trenching amount in the ARPA funds will earmark all the funds of $37,698.39 which the village received from the Federal American Rescue Plan Act. •Survey Record at ballfield, Regnier to contact Allen Surveying to provide a specific proposal for their estimate of $2,500 •NDEE loan extension, Standley is waiting on NDEE Mathew Duffek to provide the paperwork for the reduction in interest for the State Revolving Fund Drinking Water Loan. •Bricks and Mortar Grant, turned down, The Village has been added to the State Historical Society “List Serve” to receive notification for future grant applications. •Allo box locations, Standley will contact ALLO for a print of all the green junction boxes in the village for future reference. •Ballfield contract, Standley reported that there will not be any changes to the current contract with Garland Youth Sports for the coming 2025 season. However he would like to add specific language in a future contract that allows revisions to the contract by certain dates. •Board Trustee opening, Standley reported he received 1 request from a village resident to be a board trustee. Standley will request at the next board meeting that Lance Jarzynka be appointed as board trustee. •Water Wastewater Operator, Regnier reported that the village needs a succession plan for his replacement, The board instructed Regnier to place ads for a village Water and Wastewater Operator trainee or license holder with pay to be determined by experience. Motion by Standley, 2nd Strauss, motion passed 9.4th and Frazier Traffic, Stanley reported he has been in contact with Miller and Associates for making this intersection a 4 way stop. There needs to be a report from an engineer to justify this action. MIller is to contact the clerk for more information, no action was taken. 10. Seward County Roads, Old Mill Road Work, Jon Regnier the Seward County Roads Superintendent reports that the 4 miles of Old Mill was going to be worked on to remove trees and bring the driving surface back to state roads specifications. During this process between now March 2025 the county is requesting the use of the village burn site to place removed trees. The board agreed, motioned by Patsch, 2nd Strauss to allow the county to use the village's burn site for removed trees. The motion passed. 11.Water Tower Camera Insurance Loss, Regnier reported the Statement of Loss from EMC, the insurance carrier for the village gave a loss of $12,782.62 for the damages at the water tower from a lightning strike last April 2024. EMC has already paid out in 2 checks $8,654.62 for work to get the water system controls functioning. This leaves $4,127.27 to be paid out. The village has received a quote for $5,283 from SEI to replace the damaged cameras and DVR at the water tower. The Board instructed Regnier to get more quotes. 12. NextLink, Regnier to give a copy of contract to the village attorney. 13. Insurance Policy, Standley is contacting the Nebraska League of Municipalities to check their insurance called LARM for their quote. 14. Delinquent Water/Sewer Bills, Regnier is to find resolution for the percentage of late fee charge and then start the penalties back up. 15. Bulk Water Resolution, Stsandley introduced Resolution 2025-1 to modify or replace the existing bulk water rate: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF GARLAND, SEWARD COUNTY, NEBRASKA TO ESTABLISH FEES AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SALE OF BULK WATER BE IT RESOLVED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE VILLAGE OF GARLAND, SEWARD COUNTY, NEBRASKA: 1. Any person purchasing bulk water drawn from the municipal water system shall be charged $25 per 1,000 gallons, but which may be adjusted from time to time, plus a service charge of $100.00. 2. The service charge shall be applied on a weekly basis. 3. When available, Village personnel shall assist with connecting to the municipal water system and filling tanks. The Village shall supply a meter and backflow preventer. 4. The Village can limit usage daily to prevent stress on the system and wells. 5. This Resolution shall take effect upon approval. a Motioned by Patsch, 2nd Strauss, Roll Call vote, Patsch aye, Strauss aye, Morales aye. Motion passed 16. Fire Hall Rental, Discussion to NOT make available the Fire Hall for rental, concerns about access to the emergency equipment. Board agreed to table until the next meeting. 17.Seward County Update, no representative 18. Adjournment. Motion by: Patsch, 2nd by Strauss, all ayes. Made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:33pm. Respectfully submitted by: /s/ Wayne Regnier, Village Clerk SCI — January 22, 2025 ZNEZ