VILLAGE OF BEAVER CROSSING MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2015 REGULAR BOARD MEETING The Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Beaver Crossing, Nebraska met in open session at 7:00p.m., at the Village …


VILLAGE OF BEAVER CROSSING MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2015 REGULAR BOARD MEETING The Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Beaver Crossing, Nebraska met in open session at 7:00p.m., at the Village Hall October 14, 2015. The public had received advance notice of the meeting by posting the notice in the following places: Village Hall, Bank and the U.S. Post Office. The following minutes do not represent a full transcription of the proceedings. A full¬ recorded version can be reviewed at the community hall. Upon roll call, the following board members were present: Dick Pariset, Steve Vavra, Laura Schluckebier, John Davis and Jerry Zieg. Members of the staff present were Clerk/Treasurer Marcia Cantrell and Maintenance Carl Hamm. William Wing zoning administrator, Dick Frankforter with Macguire Iron, and Tom Krueger with JEO Consulting also in attendance. There were 16 visitors from the general public. Chairman Pariset brought the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and announced the location of the Open Meeting Act Poster. Davis made a motion to approve the September 9, 2015 meeting minutes. Motion seconded by Vavra. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried. FINANCIAL: Treasurer report - Board member Zieg made a motion to approve the September 2015 treasurers report. Motion seconded by Davis. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Claims were reviewed and discussed. Davis made a motion to approve the September 2015 claims. Motion seconded by Zieg. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Permit #15-17 Pariset addition at 107 Maple. Zieg made a motion to approve permit #15-17 for an addition at 107 Maple. Motion seconded by Vavra. Roll call vote, Pariset abstained, all others aye. Motion carried. Discussion held on Peggy and Tyrone Yelling having 2 horses on property at 406 Dimery and putting up a fence. It will be a wooden 3panel wood fence on front and twisted wire fence on sides and back of property. Only 2 horses will be allowed. Davis made a motion to grant a variance for Yelling’s to have 2 horses on property and put up and keep a good fence. Motion seconded by Pariset. Roll call vote, all aye. Motion carried. MAINTENANCE: Carl Hamm reported that several girls from Centennial school have offered to do volunteer hours. He has also a few people from Beaver Crossing that also want to volunteer to paint streets, curbs, gates, and other things. He will be working out the dates to get the work done. Carl will be taking his wastewater test the end of October. He will be taking the Herbicide class and test and water certification class and tests in the upcoming months. They have all been scheduled. Carl reported that the wells have been fixed. He also discussed issues with equipment. Johnson Service is here working on the sewer line and Carl has been in contact with their progress. Street repairs still need to be completed. A culvert at the cemetery is also being installed and extensions will be put on the ends of the culvert to widen. The lift station emergency generator quotes are still coming in. Carl will check on a new quote from Oswald Electric. Steve Vavra will be checking with Cumming Central Power for more information on their quote. Carl reported that a welder is needed for making repairs to our equipment. Pariset made a motion to purchase a high grade Lincoln welder if can find one for $250. Motion seconded by Zieg. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE: No correspondence received OLD BUSINESS: Dick with Maguire Iron spoke about the water tower maintenance and repairs. Davis made a motion to do complete interior work and stretch the payments over 3 years. There was no second. Maguire Iron will get us a new contract to view and then we can decide and sign. Water bill old balances and payment plans were discussed. Marcia will continue to work to get payment plans on all old balance accounts. Clerk Cantrell will check with Attorney what to do if property has a water bill and the property has sold. The attorney also needs to be asked if patrons don’t have a payment plan what are our options. Schlukebier will check with Atty regarding an account about late fees on water bill. Swimming pool progress was discussed and Christensen Construction has finished and will come out next spring to help train us and check to make sure everything is working. Clerk Cantrell reported that Elkhorn fence has come out and will be getting us a quote to fix the fence around the pool. Jerry Zieg will call American Fence to see if we can also get a quote on the fence repair at the pool. Beaver Crossing Fire Dept sign discussion held. A letter is missing from the sign due to the tornado. Clerk Cantrell checked with the insurance company and we have been reimbursed for this. Zieg said that he is unable to find a letter to match the existing letters. He asked if the fire dept. purchased a new sign if the village would pay them the amount that insurance paid on the sign which was $434.70. Zieg will check to see what a new sign would cost. Tornado clean-up of properties discussed. There are still quite a few properties that need to be cleaned up or repaired. Carl and Laura Schluckebier will compile a list of properties of concern. Clerk Cantrell is to contact attorney to send out a letter regarding nuisance property on corner coming into town. NEW BUSINESS: Tom Krueger with JEO Consulting spoke to the board about the One & Six Year plan road program. No action taken and there is nothing listed on the 1 year plan. Propane contract was discussed. CVA quoted us a price of $.94 per gallon. Board would like Clerk Cantrell to call around for quotes on propane and get back to them. If we can find a propane contract for $.85 - $.90 per gallon to take it. Clerk Cantrell will also check with CVA to see how many gallons are estimated to need this year. This would be for the Community Hall, Well buildings, and the shop. Pitney Bowes lease on the folder/inserter was discussed. Pitney Bowes would replace the current unit with a new unit for a savings of $36.52 per month. Zieg made a motion to lease a new folder/inserter from Pitney Bowes. The motion was seconded by Pariset. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Robinson Tree service quote to remove a couple of problem trees that the city is responsible for and also trimming and grinding on city property. Davis made a motion to have Robinson Tree Service do the quoted work for a price of $1600. Schluckebier seconded the motion. Roll call vote, Pariset No, all rest ayes. Motion carried. Sales Tax workshop was discussed that will be held in December. They will again discuss this at next month’s meeting. Dog Tags discussion held on whether or not to issue them. Dog tags cost more than the fee for the dog license that we currently have. Pariset made a motion to do away with dog tags and licensing. Zieg seconded the motion. We will need to check with the Attorney to see what we need to do to change the ordinance. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried. International Institute of Municipal Clerks membership discussion was held. Decision was made to not be a member. Russell Brandenburgh spoke about getting an off sale liquor and tobacco license asking for the board’s approval prior to applying. He is putting in a new business that will be off sale liquor, tobacco, convenience store, and coffee shop. Vavra made a motion to approve Russel Brandenburgh to have off sale liquor and tobacco at his new business. Motion seconded by Davis. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried. November meeting date was discussed due to it being on a holiday November 11th. Decision to have the meeting on November 11, 2015 and Clerk Cantrell will then have the following Friday off in observance of the holiday. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Zieg mentioned that he is working on a grant for another recycling trailer. The cleaning position was discussed. A motion was made by Zieg to hire Laura Schluckebier do the cleaning of the Community hall effective November 1, 2015 at a rate of $100 per month. Davis seconded the motion. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Schluckebier requested a special meeting for a water billing concern. Pariset wants to talk with Attorney prior to calling for a special meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Pariset called for the meeting to be adjourned. SCI — October 28, 2015