JANUARY 14, 2025 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Board of Commissioner Meetings are held each Tuesday morning in the Seward County Courthouse at 9:00 a.m., except for the first Tuesday of each month when meetings will be held at 8:30 a.m. Notice of each meeting is posted on the Courthouse bulletin board and on the Commissioner’s room door. The agenda for all meetings is kept continually current and is available for public inspection at the County Clerk’s Office during normal business hours. The agenda is held open until one business day prior to the meeting for appearance before the Board. The Board has the right to modify the agenda to include items of an emergency nature only at such public meeting. CLAIMS ALLOWED FEBRUARY 11, 2025 The Seward County Board of Equalization convened on January 14, 2025 at 8:30 a.m. Present: Members: Misty Ahmic, Raegan Hain, Scott Pekarek, Ken Schmieding, Darrell Zabrocki Deputy County Clerk: Brandy Johnson County Assessor: Marilyn Hladky County Treasurer: Jake Zlatkovsky Elected Ahmic as Chairman and Zabrocki as Vice Chairman of the Seward County Board of Equalization. Approved Minutes of December 31, 2024. Approved Vehicle Tax Exemptions. Hladky gave an update of her office. Convened as the Board of Commissioners. Elected Ahmic as Chairman and Zabrocki as Vice Chairman of the Seward County Board of Commissioners. Approved Coroner’s physician, depositories, acceptable investments, newspapers & website for the County. Approved the list of Office Liaisons and Board Appointments for the Commissioners. Approved Jon Regnier as the Highway Supt. Set wages for the Deputies of Elected Officials. Approved Sherry Schweitzer to be reappointed as Budget Making Authority. Held Public Hearings and approved permits for upgrades of existing towers in Precincts I and K. Approved consent agenda consisting of minutes of January 7, 2025 and Zoning Fee Reports for November 2024 and December 2024. Approved Claims through January 3, 2025. Commissioners gave reports of their activities. Approved the County Treasurer’s Semi-Annual Report and Condensed Report for Publication. Approved a hiring bonus for the Attorney’s office Legal Secretary position. Appointed Ryan Krenk and Katie Schweitzer to the Planning Commission. Approved extension of contract with Tana Fye of FGH Law Office in Shelton, NE. Discussion was held on a Deferred Compensation Plan for employees and a legislative update. Approved the agenda for January 21, 2025 and adjourned at 10:46 a.m. Brandy Johnson, Deputy County Clerk SEWARD COUNTY CLAIMS THROUGH JANUARY 3, 2025, ACCURATE CONTROLS, EQ, $1,856.36; ADVANCED CORR HLTHCR, SE, $21,956.36; AMAZON CAPITAL SERV, SE, $67.30; AMERITAS LIFE INS CORP, FE, $23,896.63; BLUE RIVER ELECTRIC, SE, $180.00; BOB BARKER CO, SE, $168.75; BRENNAN,NIELSEN LAW, SE, $16,041.39; BUTLER CO SHERIFF, SE, $68.20; CENTURY BUSINESS PROD, SU, $193.44; CHI HEALTH NE HEART, SE, $1,096.25; CHILLICOTHE MUNICIPAL CRT, SE, $5.00; CITY OF SEWARD, UT, $10,358.05; CLERK OF DIST CRT ASSN, FE, $50.00; CLERK OF DIST COURT, SE, $505.00; COAST TO COAST COMPUTER, SE, $169.99; CORI J STAVA, SE, $173.00; CROWNE PLAZA KEARNEY, TR, $419.85; CULLIGAN, SE, $319.75; E 911, SE, $39,183.83; EAKES OFFICE PLUS, SU, $1,067.00; FARMERS COOP, SU, $11,955.45; FEHLHAFERS, SE, $43.61; JOHN FILIPPI DDS, SE, $1,300.00; FILLMORE CO SHERIFF, SE, $69.50; GALLS LLC, SE, $620.85; HAMPTON INN, TR, $2,249.10; HOMETOWN LEASING, EQ, $670.76; INDOFF INC, SU, $794.85; JONES BANK (FICA), FE, $24,082.68; KOTIK & MCCLURE, ATTY, SE, $6,066.25; LANCASTER CO SHERIFF, SE, $20.10; LANGUAGE LINE SERV, SE, $75.75; MCKESSON MEDICAL, SU, $168.38; MEMORIAL CLINIC, SE, $326.00; MID-AMERICAN INS GRP, FE, $45,253.12; MIPS INC, SE, $2,264.46; MY CENTRAL SUPPLY, SU, $361.42; NE ASSN OF CO ASSESSORS, FE, $100.00; NE ASSN OF CO OFFICIALS, FE, $670.00; NE PUBLIC HLTH ENV LAB, SE, $105.00; NEBRASKA.GOV, FE, $8.50; OREILLY AUTOMOTIVE, SU, $155.50; PAPER TIGER SHREDDING, SE, $195.00; PETTY CASH FUND, FE, $62.88; POINT C HEALTH, FE, $108.50; POLLACK AND BALL, SE, $709.25; SEWARD CO COURT, SE, $1,385.90; SEWARD CO HLTH CLM FND, FE, $328,608.82; SEWARD CO INDEPENDENT, SE, $574.45; SEWARD CO ROAD FND, FE, $615,000.00; SEWARD CO SHERIFF, SE, $54.40; SEWARD SHERIFF UNCOLL FEES, FE, $374.00; JOY SHIFFERMILLER, SE, $2,400.25; SOARIN GROUP, SE, $6,785.75; ST OF NE DAS COMMUNIC, SE, $1,382.40; SUMMIT FOOD SERV, SE, $9,390.27; TIMECLOCK PLUS, SE, $1,603.80; UNL PRINT & COPY SERV, SE, $166.91; VERIZON WIRELESS SERV, SE, $1,792.90; VIRTUAL IMPRESSIONS, SE, $36.00; VISUAL EDGE IT, SE, $44.94; WYTHERS LAW, SE, $465.50; YORK CO SHERIFF, SE, $52.58; ACKERMAN ENGINEERING, SE, $10.00; BARCO MUNICIPAL PROD, SU, $1,341.78; BEAVER HARDWARE, SU, $39.06; BLACK HILLS ENERGY, UT, $1,519.15; CROUCH'S HARDWARE, SU, $80.36; HELENA AGRI-ENTERPR, SE, $1,420.00; JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL, EQ, $183.84; KERFORD LIMESTONE CO, SU, $709.50; MAINELLI WAGNER & ASSOC, SE, $7,326.79; MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, SU, $1,720.57; MEDICAL ENTERPRISES, SE, $72.00; MIDWEST AUTO PARTS, SE, $238.95; NE PUBLIC POWER DIST, UT, $158.07; NEXTLINK AIS, UT, $51.07; NMC, INC, EQ, $5,953.26; OVERHEAD DOOR CO, SE, $209.25; PAC N SAVE, SU, $3,284.42; POWERPLAN, SE, $477.72; RDO TRUCK CENTERS, SU, $138.82; SENECA TANK, EQ, $119,500.00; SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION, SE, $1,988.90; VERIZON CONNECT NWF, EQ, $696.38; VILLAGE OF UTICA, UT, $54.92; DALE JOHNSON ENT, SU, $3,120.76; SOUTHWEST GRAVEL, SU, $9,304.35; AKRS EQUIP SOLUTIONS, EQ, $15,000.00; KIWANIS CLUB OF SEWARD, FE, $2,500.00; LODGES PRESERVED, FE, $2,500.00; OLDE GLORY FOUNDATION, FE, $594.00; SEWARD CO CHAMBER, FE, $1,000.00; VANGUARD APPRAISALS, SE, $11,358.75; AIMPOINT INC, SE, $509.00; ART ON DISPLAY, FE, $990.00; MIDWEST AUTOMOTIVE, SE, $150.00; SAYLER SCREENPRINTING, SU, $90.00; TRANSUNION RISK & ALT, FE, $875.00; URIBE REFUSE SERVICES, SE, $156.00; WESTERN OIL II LLC, SU, $290.25; DILLON WILLIAMS, SE, $1,157.30; HELMINK PRINTING, SU, $150.50; VISA, FE, $701.99; NATL EMERG NUMBER ASSN, FE, $465.00; APCO INTL, SE, $1,999.92; CIDNET, SE, $2,515.27; RX SERVICES, SE, $1,242.24; WELLBEING INITIATIVE, FE, $1,000.00; SALARIES,, $337,456.96; GROSS SALARIES INCLUDE DEDUCTIONS TO: AMERITAS DENTAL, AMERITAS VISION, COLONIAL SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE, MID AMERICAN CO WISCONSIN, POINT C FSA, WADDELL & REED. SCI/MT — January 22, 2025 ZNEZ