Board of Education Regular Meeting School District of Seward 410 South Street Seward, NE 68434 Monday, January 13, 20255:30 PM Attendance Taken at 5:32 PM. Paul Duer: Present Matt Hastings: Present Jill Hochstein: Present Ryne Seaman: Present Danielle Shipley: Present Shawn Svoboda: Present 1. Preliminary Procedures 1.1. Call meeting to order & announce Open Meetings Act is Posted 1.2. Public Notice as publicized per board policy 1.3. Roll Call 1.3.1. Action to excuse board members if necessary 1.4. Pledge of Allegiance 1.5. 1.5 Mission Seward Public Schools - a district rooted in excellence - in cooperation with family and community members is committed to the development of the whole student and affirms that all students will have the skills to become productive, resilient, and contributing members of their community. 1.6. Approval of Agenda Motion to approve the agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Paul Duer and a second by Jill Hochstein. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 2. Recognition of Classified Staff Members for the Bluejay Award Carmen Johnson and Mary Russell were presented with the District Bluejay Award for classified staff. Carmen and Mary are administrative assistants at the High School. 3. Election of Board Officers 3.1. President Paul Duer nominated Ryne Seaman as President and all members agreed. 3.2. Vice President Shawn Svoboda nominated Paul Duer as Vice President and all members agreed. 3.3. Secretary Ryne Seaman nominated Jill Hochstein as Secretary and all members agreed. 3.4. Treasurer Matt Hastings nominated Heidi Covert as Treasurer and all members agreed. 4. Public Forum: (The Board President reserves the right to place time limits on individuals and topics.) 4.1. Public Forum on Agenda Items: This is your opportunity to speak to items on the agenda. If you are not a part of the presentation of the agenda item you need to speak now. Thank you for your participation. There was none. 4.2. Public Forum on Any Topic: This is your opportunity to speak to any topic concerning the school district. Since it is not an agenda item the board cannot discuss or take action at this time on the matter. Future discussion can be requested as an agenda item. Thank you for your participation. There was none. 5. Discussion Items 5.1. DLR Architect Firm Interview The board interviewed DLR Architect Firm for future projects. 5.2. Soft Skills Pilot Mr. Axt and Mr. Eber discussed the soft skill pilot program they are currently doing at the high school. 5.3. Nebraska Teacher Shortage Dr. Fields discussed data from NDE on teacher shortages and the Teach in Nebraska website. 6. Short Recess Motion to move into a short recess at 6:52 p.m. Passed with a motion by Danielle Shipley and a second by Jill Hochstein. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 7. Reports 7.1. Administrator Reports Written reports were received from the administrators. 7.2. Student Board Report Esten Johnsen presented his report to the board. 7.3. Superintendent's Report Dr. Fields received great comments about the John Bacon professional development day with Milford and Centennial. Dr Fields discussed the Wellness Center corporate membership, gave the board an update on the start of the Legislation Session, discussed the PowerSchool Security Breach, Title IX changes and a Sixpence update. The Wellness Center tours will be January 20, 2025 at 4:00 and 4:30. The NASB Legislative conference is January 26 & 27. Board Quicks link - January 2025 e-update 7.4. Loss Control Report from ALICAP Dr. Fields discussed the loss control visit from ALICAP. We received positive comments with a few minor things they would like us to change. 8. Action Items 8.1. 2025-2026 School Calendar Motion to approve the 2025 - 2026 school calendar Passed with a motion by Jill Hochstein and a second by Shawn Svoboda. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 8.2. Contract for Strength and Conditioning Teacher Motion to offer teaching contract to Todd Berner for the 2025-2026 school year Passed with a motion by Danielle Shipley and a second by Matt Hastings. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 8.3. 2025-2026 Teacher Negotiated Agreement Motion to approve the 2025-2026 Teachers Negotions Agreement as presented Passed with a motion by Paul Duer and a second by Matt Hastings. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 8.4. Elementary Hot Water Heater Motion to approve the purchase a new hot water heater from Cerris at the Elementary Passed with a motion by Paul Duer and a second by Shawn Svoboda. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 9. Future Agenda Items Architecture presentations 10. Consent Agenda 10.1. Approval of Minutes 10.2. Approval of Financial Reports 10.2.1. Treasurer 10.2.2. Budget 10.2.3. Activities 10.2.4. Athletic 10.3. Approval of Claims 10.3.1. General Fund - $1,826,659.15 10.3.2. Unemployment Fund - $572.17 10.4. Approval of Consent Agenda Motion to approve the consent agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Danielle Shipley and a second by Jill Hochstein. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 11. Closed Session Motion to enter into closed session at 7:50 p.m. to discuss personnel issues. Passed with a motion by Shawn Svoboda and a second by Danielle Shipley. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 11.1. Restate the reason for entering into a closed session: to discuss personnel issues. 12. Adjournment Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 PM with the next regular board meeting scheduled for Monday, February 10, at 5:30. Passed with a motion by Matt Hastings and a second by Danielle Shipley. Paul Duer: Yea, Matt Hastings: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea Prepared by: Jill Hochstein Heidi Covert Secretary Salaries for December, 713,308.46; Jones Bank, 20,235.01; Tennessee Child Support, 9.99; NIC Nebraska, 30.00; Jones Bank, 176,959.06; Nebraska Child Support, 1,166.00; ASPIRE, 10,550.00; Jones Bank, 23,279.50; Tennessee Child Support, 9.99; NPERS, 189,912.60; NE Dept. of Revenue, 32,327.13; Inspira Financial, 7,580.62; Ahern, J.F., 2,261.00; Allen, Jennifer, 6,369.22; Allo, 172.00; Amazon Capital Services, 1,814.32; Ameritas, 1,134.72; Apace, 4,899.43; Awards Unlimited, 59.04; Axt, Scott, 150.00; Baker & Taylor, 34.63; Bern's Body Shop, 500.00; BEST, 18,113.40; Blue Cross Blue Shield, 250,060.22; Brandenburgh, Celeste, 31.67; Butler County Clerk, 100.00; Campbells Cleaning, 16,875.00; C.A.P. Inc, 176.00; Cast, Krystin, 24.71; CDWG, 4,824.60; Churchich Recreation, 439.61; City of Seward Utility Dept, 31,504.31; Computer Hardware, 10.00; Connot, Megan, 314.00; Crouch's Farm & Hardware, 136.56; Culligan, 40.00; Curry, Scott, 150.00; Dana F. Cole & Company, LLP, 7,632.58; DAS, 292.87; Eakes, 7,175.20; Eber, Rich, 150.00; Elan Financial Services, 1,947.30; Engineered Controls, Inc, 143.15; ESU 6, 47,191.96; ESU 7, 360.00; Farmers Coop, 372.66; Friesen Chevrolet, Inc, 429.97; Futureware, 391.96; Go Physical Therapy, 8,889.09; Gottschalk, Kirk, 150.00; Grainger, 136.92; Gumdrop Books, 2,304.68; Hall-Schmeckpeper, Shannon, 150.00; Hilton Omaha, 1,812.00; Hire Right, 38.55; Hughes Brothers, 300.00; Humanex Ventures, 3,000.00; Inspira Financial, 137.70; Interstate All Battery Center, 2,588.40; IXL Learning, Inc, 595.00; John U. Bacon LLC, 313.84; JP Boiler Service, 1,894.75; JWPepper, 1,450.12; Kidwell, 506.25; KSB School Law, 350.00; Lampe's Clean Air Specialists, 4,085.80; Lee's Refrigeration, 335.55; Madison National Life, 2,925.92; Matheson, 2,011.33; Mattice Lock & Safe, 1,447.65; Memorial Health Care Systems, 240.00; Meehl, Jan, 1,351.24; Middle Creek Printing, 1,425.60; Midwest Automotive Inc, 98.48; Nebraska/Central Equipment, Inc, 304.24; Nebraska Council of School Admin, 190.00; Nebraska Landscape Solutions, 2,345.57; Nebraska Library Commission, 376.60; Nebraska Safety Center, 395.00; Nebraska Snow Equipment, 3,775.25; Omnify, 41.80; One Source, 145.00; O'Reilly's, 688.48; Pac N Save, 1,007.55; Paper Tiger, 35.00; Pinkall, Jenny, 46.61; Precision Alignment LLC, 1,300.00; Reed Electric, 268.83; Safety Kleen, 294.90; Saum, Rana, 99.33; Schaefer Concrete, LLC, 1,675.00; Seward County Chamber & Development, 825.00; Seward County Independent, 8.18; Seward Lumber, 380.67; Sodexo, 161,021.42; Sparq Data, 5,600.00; Summit Fire Protection, 470.00; Tractor Supply Credit Plan, 479.93; Ty's Outdoor Power & Service, 124.00; University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 800.00; UNUM, 529.20; Uribe, 2,579.00; USA Clean, 152.23; US Bank, 3,205.30; Verizon, 208.36; Visa, 1,290.23; Waffleman, The, 520.00; Waterlink, 225.00; WHC NE LLC, 3,099.80; Windstream, 318.03; WoodRiver Energy, 9,329.39; Zultys, 2,314.93 SCI — January 22, 2025 ZNEZ