NOTICE Pleasant Dale United Methodist Church of Pleasant Dale, Nebraska, sometimes known as The Pleasant Dale Methodist Church of Pleasant Dale, Nebraska, a Nebraska not for profit corporation, filed …


NOTICE Pleasant Dale United Methodist Church of Pleasant Dale, Nebraska, sometimes known as The Pleasant Dale Methodist Church of Pleasant Dale, Nebraska, a Nebraska not for profit corporation, filed Articles of Restatement to the Articles of Incorporation on December 28, 2021, by which its Articles of Incorporation were restated in their entirety. The name of the corporation was changed to Pleasant Dale United Methodist Church. The Corporation is a religious corporation. The registered office of the Corporation is: 201 Main, PO Box 125, Pleasant Dale, Nebraska 68423. The Registered Agent of the Corporation is Nadine Pierce, whose address is 201 Main, PO Box 125, Pleasant Dale, Nebraska 68423. The Corporation’s members shall be the members of the Corporation’s congregation. Liability of trustees (also known as directors) to the corporation for money damages was limited consistent with the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act. Pleasant Dale United Methodist Church, formerly known as Pleasant Dale United Methodist Church of Pleasant Dale, Nebraska or The Pleasant Dale Methodist Church of Pleasant Dale, Nebraska. By: Gary L. Brhel, President SCI — May 18, 25, June 01, 2022 ZNEZ