NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Beeftraxx, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office P.O. Box 186, …


NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Beeftraxx, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office P.O. Box 186, 120 S. 3rd Street, Staplehurst, Nebraska 68439, and its initial registered agent is Kaylynn Coleman with the initial agent's address at P.O. Box 186, 120 S. 3rd Street, Staplehurst, Nebraska 68439. The general nature of its business is to engage in any and all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, including, but not limited to, owning and operating a business providing services to livestock and other agricultural related businesses as well as operating any other related businesses, and to acquire any and all properties necessary for such business and purpose. This limited liability company was formed on August 21, 2021, and will continue perpetually. Beeftraxx, LLC, By: Kaylynn Coleman and Gwendolyn M. Settles Organizers Karel & Seckman Attorneys at Law 1109 C Street P.O. Box 466 Schuyler, NE 68661 402-352-5118 SCI — September 01, 08, 15, 2021 ZNEZ