NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Tri-City Rentals, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, filed a Statement of Dissolution with the Nebraska Secretary of State on July 27, 2021. Any person having a claim …


NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Tri-City Rentals, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, filed a Statement of Dissolution with the Nebraska Secretary of State on July 27, 2021. Any person having a claim against said Company who has not been previously notified of this dissolution shall be required to file a claim or commence a proceeding to enforce the claim against the dissolved Company within three (3) years after the publication date of the third required notice or such claim shall be barred. Notice of such claim shall be filed with Cheryl Hostetler, whose mailing address is 827 Fairway Drive, Milford, Nebraska 68405, and shall include the name and address of the claimant, the amount of the claim and a statement of the facts supporting the claim. Tri-City Rentals, LLC SCI — August 04, 11, 18, 2021 ZNEZ