Hoffschneider Law, P.C., LLO 1120 K Street, Suite 200 Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF CENTENNIAL BRONCO BOOSTER CLUB INC. Notice is hereby given that a nonprofit corporation has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska as follows: 1. The name of the corporation is Centennial Bronco Booster Club, Inc. 2. The address of the initial registered office is 1301 Centennial Avenue, Utica, Nebraska 68456, and the initial registered agent at that address is Jenny Wagner. 3. The corporation is a public benefit corporation, and is organized exclusively: A. To qualify as a corporation organized for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States revenue law); and B. To do everything necessary, proper, advisable or convenient for the accomplishment of the purposes hereinabove set forth, and to do all other things which are not forbidden by the State of Nebraska, or by these Articles of Incorporation, or by the Internal Revenue Code that will result in a loss of said corporation's status as a Section 501 (c)(3) entity. The corporation shall have all of the powers now or hereafter set forth in the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act. 4. The corporation commenced existence on the filing and recording of its Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State, and it shall have perpetual existence. 5. The corporation shall have no members. /s/Kelly R. Hoffschneider Incorporator Hoffschneider Law, P.C., LLO 1120 K Street, Suite 200 Lincoln, NE 68508 SCI — November 24, December 01, 08, 2021 ZNEZ