BOARD OF EDUCATION STUDY SESSION School District of Seward 410 South Street Seward, NE 68434 Monday, November 8, 2021 5:30 PM Attendance Taken at 5:32 PM. Paul Duer: Present Jill Hochstein: Present …


BOARD OF EDUCATION STUDY SESSION School District of Seward 410 South Street Seward, NE 68434 Monday, November 8, 2021 5:30 PM Attendance Taken at 5:32 PM. Paul Duer: Present Jill Hochstein: Present Jana Hughes: Present Ryne Seaman: Present Danielle Shipley: Present Shawn Svoboda: Present 1. Preliminary Procedures 1.1. Call meeting to order & announce Open Meetings Act is Posted 1.2. Public Notice as publicized per board policy The public notice was publicized in the Seward County Independent and posted at city hall, library and courthouse. The public notice was dated November 3, 2021. 1.3. Roll Call 1.3.1. Action to excuse board members if necessary 2. Possible Discussion Items 2.1. Roofing Update/Report and other possible summer projects Dr. Fields and Tom Vajgrt updated the board on the roofing projects at all the buildings and possible summer projects for the summer of 2022. 2.2. Special Olympics Lori Voss discussed starting a pilot of Special Olympics at the Middle School. 2.3. Mental Health Support Dr. Fields discussed adding mental health support in the district and cooping with Centennial and Milford. 2.4. Committee on American Civics This is our second meeting of the year for the committee on American Civics. 3. Adjournment President Seaman adjourned the meeting at 6:52 p.m. Prepared by: Heidi Covert Paul Duer Secretary SCI — November 24, 2021 ZNEZ