VILLAGE OF BEAVER CROSSING April14, 2021 The following is condensed form of the meeting minutes for the April 14, 2021. A complete copy is on file and available at Village Hall, 800 Dimery St, Beaver …


VILLAGE OF BEAVER CROSSING April14, 2021 The following is condensed form of the meeting minutes for the April 14, 2021. A complete copy is on file and available at Village Hall, 800 Dimery St, Beaver Crossing, NE. The Board of Trustees met in regular session at 7:00 pm at the Village Hall. Board members present: G. Zieg, J. Leif, L. Breitkreutz, JP Black, and M. Banks. Absent: none. Motions were properly made, seconded and carried for the following: Treasurer’s report, Claims, minutes for March 10, March 17 and March 31, Building permits # 1-21, close tree fund account and transfer to donation account, close savings account and transfer to donation account, transfer $3455.93 from general to donation account, transfer $22,000.00 from donation account to general account, to hire Samara Ruether as lifeguard for 2021 season, to enter closed session, to leave closed session, to increase hourly wage of clerk, to allow clerk to have petty cash in office. Maintenance report: cameras are being installed in village, check valve still needs to be installed on 2010 well. Report on probable concrete repairs on Railroad, West and Main St. Maple St. project finished. Old Business: Community Betterment report, snack/restroom project is finishing up on completion. Pool, Banks Construction will check last year’s bid on painting new door. Mixing valve may need to be replaced on water heater. New Business: Martin Street, Roman Wiemer Audit, and a water flow issue at the park. Adjourn 9:45 pm. P. Pankoke Clerk/Treasurer Claims: Beaver Hardware, $48.43 general, street, water; Card Service Center, $836.46 general, street; Kopchos, $56.00 general; Midwest Lab, $446.53 sewer; NE Public Health Env. Lab, $262.00 water; Norris PP, $1,738.11 general, street, water, park; Office Net, $65.38 general; One Call Concepts, $8.07 general; Romans, Wiemer & Assoc. $3,850.00 general; Seward Co. Independent $48.56 general; Windstream $295.04 general; Potter Repair $18.50 street; General Fire & Safety $464.10 general; Recycling Enterprises of NE $270.00 general; Seward Co Treas. $1303.53 general; USA Blue Book $70.01 water; Aqua Chem $ 625.65 water; Farmers Union Coop $296.00 street; Farmers Cooperative $63.81 street; Barco Municipal $126.75 park; Walmart $549.10 general; G Grantski $100.00 general; A Philyaw $100.00 general; A Kohout $45.00 general; NE Dept. of Revenue $587.93 general; US Treasury $1,129.46 general, street, water; Sargent Drilling $13,517.43 water; Wages, $5,346.81; Barco Municipal $83.00 park; Beaver Hwd. $118.87 park; Wing Const. $930.00 park; Card Service Center $855.64 park; BC Vol Fire Dept. $2,166.30 fire. SCI — May 05, 2021