Memorial Day services around Seward County on Monday, May 27, include:
Goehner—A ceremony hosted by the Beaver Crossing Post 178 will be held at Mound Prairie Cemetery at 9 a.m. The speaker will be John Hughes.
Gresham—Cedar Lawn Cemetery at 9 a.m. A breakfast will be served at 9:30 a.m. at the Community Center.
Malcolm—Malcolm Cemetery at 9 a.m.
Utica—St. Patrick’s Cemetery will have at 9 a.m. service in Utica. Msgr. Mark Huber will have prayers for those who wish to attend. Memorial Day Mass will be at 9:30 a.m. Refreshments will be served after mass.
Seward —North Cemetery at 10 a.m. with speaker Shane Varejcka.
Milford—Blue Mound Cemetery at 10 a.m. Rose Kenny will speak. Rolls and coffee will be served at the Senior Center after the ceremony.
Garland—A presentation will be made at 10 a.m. in front of the American Legion. The guest speaker will be Kirk Gottschalk, Seward Middle School principal.
Pleasant Dale—Pleasant Dale Cemetery at 11 a.m. The American Legion will host a luncheon following the ceremony.
Beaver Crossing—Beaver Crossing Village Cemetery at 11:30 a.m. John Hughes will be the speaker.
Cordova—Zastrow Cemetery at 2 p.m. Tim Wilbeck will be the speaker.