SEWARD CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Following is a condensed form of minutes. A complete copy is on file at City Hall, 537 Main St. or may be viewed at The Seward City …


SEWARD CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Following is a condensed form of minutes. A complete copy is on file at City Hall, 537 Main St. or may be viewed at The Seward City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers, 142 N 7th Street, Seward, on December 3, 2024, at 7:08 p.m., with Mayor Joshua Eickmeier presiding. Councilmembers present: Zane Francescato, Megan Kahler, Jessica Kolterman, Karl Miller, John Singleton, Matt Stryson, Tatum Tonniges, Rich Wergin. Councilmembers absent: None. The following items were approved: Appoint Tayler Mifflin as Fire Chief; Appoint Councilmembers to Boards and Committees; Elect Councilmember Kolterman as 2025 Council President; Claims; Re-Appoint Rick Endicott to Civic Center Commission for 3-Year Term; Re-Appoint Katrina Goldsmith to Housing Appeals Board for 3-Year Term; Re-Appoint Kevin Sagehorn and Kurth Brashear to LB840 Board for 3-Year Term; Change Order #3 with General Excavating for Utilities and Site Work at 500,000-Gallon Water Tower; Res. No. 2024-37 – Establish Sidewalk Cost Share Installation Program; Amend Sections 3.8.2 and 4.4.1b of Employee Handbook; Change Order #3 with Sampson Construction for Seward Wellness Center; City Admin Rept. The following items were discussed with no action taken: Wellness Center Report. Adj. 8:09 p.m. ADE, SU, 37.00; AKRS Equipment Inc, OI, 64.68; All Copy Products Inc, SE, 38.96; Allegiant Utility Service, CI, 1.68; Allo, UT, 401.59; Almquist Maltzahn Galloway Luth, SE, 12,580.00; Amazon Business, SU, 300.10; Awards Unlimited Inc, SE, 52.00; Bizco Technologies, IT, 8,651.82; Callaway Golf, SU, 1,998.01; Campbell Cleaning, SE, 1,405.00; Capital Business-Dallas, SE, 1,128.54; Cash-Wa Distributing Co, SU, 358.71; Chase Card Service, 14,226.05; Carhartt, UN, 354.72; Sam's Club, UN/SU/BU, 1021.38; RS America, SU, 1562.2; Walmart, SU, 588.17; The Crosby Group, SU, 14.73; SP Dakota Riggers, SU, 1412.65; The Public Safety Store, SU, 177.99; USPS, PF, 167.92; Squarespace, SE, 296.00; Emergency Solutions, IT, 155.00; Rock Auto, RE, 107.96;, SU, 328.06; Eagle Engraving, SE, 21.35; LLRMI, TR, 150.00; Seward County , SE, 17.00; Revolution Wraps, FA, 881.33; Blue 2 Gold, TR, 395.00; Pac N Save, SU, 66.63; Uline, SU/FA, 3,034.98; La Carreta, ML, 539.40; Sparetime, ML, 100.91; Runza, ML, 152.92; Valentino's, ML, 111.70; Constant Contact, SE, 23.00; Briggs & Stranton, RE, 116.13; ForeUP, IT, 686.08; Nebraska GCSA, TR, 435.00; Tracfone, UT, 34.25; Scheel's, SU, 265.36; Tactacam, Su, 23.66; Vevor, FA, 82.76; BDI, RE, 28.50; Fairfield Inn, TR, 311.36; Quill, Su, 561.95; City Seward Electric Fund, UT, 36,578.81; City Seward Payroll Account, SA, 206,535.58; Codr Plumbing/Excavation, SE, 948.92; Commonwealth Electric Co, RE, 407.01; Consolidated Water Soluti, RE, 2,307.83; Constellation Newenergy, UT, 34.17; Cornhusker Press, SU, 130.45; Crouch'S Farm/Hardware, SU, 1,321.85; Eakes Office Solutions, SU, 97.96; Firstar Fiber Inc, SE, 232.56; FS3 Inc, FA, 24,539.80; Galls LLC, UN, 43.60; General Excavating, CI, 382,252.58; Gerhold Concrete Co Inc, SU, 7,148.34; Great Plains Nursery, CI, 1,073.66; Hamilton Equip Company, FA, 35,000.00; Helms Taylor, MC, 160.00; Hobson Automotive & Tire, RE, 151.00; Hoffschneider Law PC LLO, SE, 5,000.00; Husker Electric Supply Co, MAT, 3,136.31; Jaco Analytical Lab Inc, SU, 94.63; JEO Consulting Group, CI, 17,311.25; Jones Bank, MC, 1,263.48; K2 Construction, CI, 8,500.00; Kirkegaard Addie, MC, 200.00; Last Mile Network, UT, 75.30; Levander'S Body Shop, RE, 456.34; Lincoln Winwater Works, RE, 1,154.94; Mailand's Clothing, UN, 10.00; Mid-American Benefits Inc, BE, 2,734.86; Nebraska D A S Acct Ocio, SE, 245.00; Nebraska Equipment Inc, RE, 6,349.62; Nebraska Golf & Turf, RE, 196.89; Nebraska Health Lab, TE, 154.00; NREA, TR, 1,545.00; Nextlink, UT, 103.35; Norris Public Power, UT, 1,199.90; Northern Safety Co Inc, SU, 199.28; Odeys Inc, FA, 37,324.00; Olsson, CI, 59,792.73; O'Reilly Automotive Inc, RE, 319.46; Osten Tasha, RI, 185.00; Plains Tree Farm Inc, SE, 150.00; Police Officers Association NE, MS, 240.00; Principal Financial Group, BE, 2,823.52; Quill Corp, SU, 38.99; Resco, INV, 58,584.28; Sack Lumber Company, RE, 46.99; Schemmer Architects, CI, 148,008.42; Seiler Instrument & Mfg, CI, 3,980.00; Seward Co Chamber/Develop, RI, 211.65; Seward Co Clerk/Register, SE, 1,467.00; Short Elliott Hendrickson, CI, 21,494.97; Skarshaug Testing Laborat, PF, 694.80; Sports Express, SU, 650.80; Suhr & Lichty Insurance, INS, 1,105.00; The Music Bingo People, SE, 100.00; The Sprinkler Guy, CI, 90.00; Total Fire & Security Inc, SE, 420.00; Total Tool Supply Inc, SU, 1,050.00; U S Cellular, UT, 147.63; Verizon Wireless, UT, 281.64; Wesco Distribution Inc, INV, 47,912.75. CLAIMS TOTAL, $1,177,258.04. Derek Bargmann SCI — December 25, 2024 ZNEZ