Planning Commission approves chicken feed operation


The Seward County Planning Commission recommended approval for a conditional use permit for a chicken feeding operation near Goehner.

According to the draft minutes of the commission’s Nov. 26 meeting, the board voted 6-1 to approve the permit.

This livestock feeding operation came before the planning commission and the Seward County Commissioners in November, when the Schulz family, who applied for the permit, applied to rezone the area from transitional agriculture to agriculture.

The commissioners approved the rezone Nov. 13.

During the public hearing for the permit, a letter from Jim Luebbe, who lives near the area, was read. He was against the permit and had previously spoken against the rezone. His statements centered on the odor the operation could create.

Jim Schulz, who is a part of the family that wants to start the chicken operation, and three others spoke in favor of the permit.

Now that the commission has voted on the permit, the Seward County Commissioners will hear the issue at their Dec. 18 meeting.

Previous stories about this topic can be found on the Independent’s website,