NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Village of Utica, Nebraska, proposes to hold a public hearing on June 12, 2023, at 7:00pm local time, at the Utica Auditorium to consider the …


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Village of Utica, Nebraska, proposes to hold a public hearing on June 12, 2023, at 7:00pm local time, at the Utica Auditorium to consider the adoption of a long-range plan for a one-year and six-year street improvement program for the Village of Utica, Nebraska. Any interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and to present pertinent information, data or views or to request additional information or background regarding said street improvements plans. The purpose of the hearing is to afford full and complete public knowledge and discussion of said street improvements plans prior to adoption according to law and as provided in Legislative Bill No. 1302 passed by the 1969 Nebraska State Legislature and approved by the Governor. Rita Maier Village Clerk/Treasurer SCI — May 24, 2023 ZNEZ