NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the company is Seward Jazzercise, LLC. 2. The street address of the designated office of the company is 648 Seward Street, Seward, Nebraska 68434. 3. The …


NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the company is Seward Jazzercise, LLC. 2. The street address of the designated office of the company is 648 Seward Street, Seward, Nebraska 68434. 3. The registered agent and address for service upon the Company is Roxanne Wohlford, Seward Jazzercise, LLC, 1548 336th, Seward, Nebraska 68434. 4. This Limited Liability Company is organized solely for the purpose of providing exercise fitness classes. 5. This Limited Liability Company commenced business on February 2, 2021, and shall have perpetual existence. Roxanne Wohlford SCI — February 17, 24, March 03, 2021