NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED UNLESS YOU ACT YOU WILL LOSE THIS PROPERTY To: SANDRA L. MITCHELL; JASON MITCHELL; MICHELLE MITCHELL; PERSON OR PARTIES IN POSSESSION of 270 Nestor Street, Cordova, NE 68330; J DOE SPOUSE OF ROBERT EDWIN MITCHELL; J DOE SPOUSE OF SHERRI L. MITCHELL; AND ANY AND ALL PERSONS WHO HAVE OR CLAIM SOME LIEN INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED BELOW. 1.On 03/05/2020, the following Real Estate was sold by Seward County for delinquent taxes. On that date, BASIL LAND HOLDINGS LLC (the “Purchaser”) bought the property at the sale. 2.The property is described as: a.Address: 270 Nestor Street, Cordova, NE 68330 b.Legal Description: Lot 14, Block 8, in the Original Town, Village of Cordova, Seward County, Nebraska (the “Real Estate”). 3.The taxpayer name and in whose name the tax assessment is made is: Sandra L. Mitchell, a single person, Jason Mitchell, a single person and Michelle Mitchell, a single person, as joint tenants. 4.The amount of the taxes represented by Tax Certificate No. 202032, assessed for the 2018 taxes is: $754.77. Subsequent taxes may have been paid and interest may have accrued as of the date this notice is signed by the Purchaser. Please be advised, pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-1831, that the issuance of a tax deed is subject to the right of redemption under Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 77-1824 to 77-1830. The right of redemption requires payment to the county treasurer, for the use of such purchaser, or his or her heirs or assigns, of the amount of taxes represented by the tax sale certificate for the year the taxes were levied or assessed and any subsequent taxes paid and interest accrued as of the date payment is made to the county treasurer. The right of redemption expires at the close of business on the date of application for the tax deed, and a deed may be applied for after the expiration of three months from the date of service of this notice. After the expiration of at least three months from the date of service of this notice, the tax deed will be applied for unless the right of redemption has been exercised. BASIL LAND HOLDINGS LLC By: Marc Odgaard, #21988 13575 Lynam Drive Omaha, NE 68138 402-505-4124 Fax: 402-513-6483 SCI — May 10, 17, 24, 2023 ZNEZ