Erickson | Sederstrom, PC, LLO 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 402-397-2200 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Parking Lot Designers, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, filed Articles of …


Erickson | Sederstrom, PC, LLO 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 402-397-2200 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Parking Lot Designers, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, filed Articles of Dissolution on August 25, 2021, with the Nebraska Secretary of State’s Office. The terms of the dissolution provide for the payment of liabilities of the corporation and the distribution of any remaining assets. Jerry L. Green, as President, is to manage the corporate affairs relating to the dissolution of the Corporation. Any Corporation assets will be distributed in accordance with the Corporation’s plan of dissolution and it has no known liabilities. The Corporation requests that persons with claims against it present them in accordance with this notice. Any claimant shall send notice of a claim to the Corporation to the above address. A claim against Parking Lot Designers, Inc. will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced within three (3) years after the publication of this notice. SCI — September 01, 08, 15, 2021 ZNEZ