DECEMBER 17, 2024 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Board of Commissioner Meetings are held each Tuesday morning in the Seward County Courthouse at 9:00 a.m., except for the first Tuesday of each month when meetings will be held at 8:30 a.m. Notice of each meeting is posted on the Courthouse bulletin board and on the Commissioner’s room door. The agenda for all meetings is kept continually current and is available for public inspection at the County Clerk’s Office during normal business hours. The agenda is held open until one business day prior to the meeting for appearance before the Board. The Board has the right to modify the agenda to include items of an emergency nature only at such public meeting. CLAIMS ALLOWED JANUARY 14, 2024 The Seward County Board of Commissioners convened on December 17, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Present: Chairperson: Misty Ahmic Members: Raegan Hain, Ken Schmieding, Darrell Zabrocki County Clerk: Sherry Schweitzer Absent:John Culver Approved Consent Agenda consisting of minutes of December 10, 2024, and a Utility Permit in J Precinct. Approved claims through December 6, 2024. Approved use of the Courthouse sidewalk for a Job Completion Celebration for the Allo Fiber County Project. Approved Lancaster County Bridge Deck Project located on 140th Road between Raymond Road and Branched Oak Road. Joan Shurtliff of the Genealogical Society was present to discuss burials at the former Nebraska Industrial Home in Milford, the status on the preservation of the School Census Records, and the storage of old county documents. Commissioners gave reports of their activities. Approved the Seward and Butler County Comprehensive Juvenile Services Community Plan for July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2029. Approved to work to retain the proposal submitted by “Election House” grant service organization. Discussion was held on security at the courthouse. Approved the agenda for December 31, 2024 and adjourned at 10:20 a.m. Sherry Schweitzer, County Clerk SEWARD COUNTY CLAIMS THROUGH DECEMBER 6, 2024, ADVANCED OFFICE AUTOM, EQ, $156.56; AGING PARTNERS, SE, $43,573.00; ALLO COMM, UT, $5,495.38; AMAZON CAPITAL SERV, SU, $164.80; AMERITAS LIFE INS, FE, $22,618.98; BLUE RIVER ELECTRIC, SE, $873.26; BLUE360 MEDIA, SU, $99.95; CITY OF SEWARD, UT, $9,853.98; CLERK OF DIST COURT, S, $326.00; CORNHUSKER INTL TRCKS , EQ, $464.70; CO VETRNS SERV ASSN , FE, $200.00; CULLIGAN, SE, $326.00; DIAMOND DRUGS, SU, $576.72; DIVERSIFIED DRUG TESTING, SE, $326.00; EAKES OFFICE PLUS, SU, $679.55; ELECTION WORKERS, SE, $30.00; EQUIFAX WORKFORCE, SE, $458.55; FARMERS COOP, SU, $35,195.20; FEHLHAFERS , SE, $20.00; GALLS LLC, SE, $219.99; HOBSON AUTO & TIRE, SE, $380.95; HOLIDAY INN EXP OGALLALA, TR, $296.00; HOMETOWN LEASING, EQ, $505.64; INT ASSN OF ASSESS OFFICRS, FE, $240.00; JONES BANK (FICA), SE, $22,748.78; KINER SUPPLY CO, SU, $270.72; LANCASTER CO SHERIFF, SE, $47.90; LANGUAGE LINE SERV, SE, $26.77; LEE'S REFRIGERATION, SE, $125.00; MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, SE, $581.40; MIPS INC, SE, $2,264.46; MARK MOORE, SE, $837.52; NE PUB HLTH ENVIR LB, SE, $105.00; NEBRASKA.GOV, FE, $1.00; ONESOURCE, SE, $600.05; OREILLY AUTOM, SU, $32.48; PAPER TIGER SHRED, SE, $35.00; PETTY CASH FUND, FE, $76.01; RIXSTINE TROPHY , SU, $1,151.60; SEWARD CO CHAMBER , SE, $610.00; SEWARD CO INDEPENDENT, SE, $1,448.00; SEWARD CO SHERIFF, SE, $54.40; SEWARD SHERIFF UNCOLL FEES, FE, $290.00; SEWARD LUMBER , SU, $12.98; SITE ONE LANDSCAPE, SE, $265.35; SOARIN GROUP, SE, $14,601.50; NE DAS STATE ACCNTING, SE, $773.50; SUMMIT FOOD SERV, SE, $8,954.40; TIMECLOCK PLUS, FE, $24.00; VANGUARD APPRAISALS , SE, $3,420.00; VERIZON WIRELESS SERV, SE, $1,787.24; VIRTUAL IMPRESSIONS, SE, $36.00; VISA, FE, $5,583.91; VISUAL EDGE IT, SE, $44.94; VOSS LIGHTING, SU, $95.70; ALL STAR GLASS, SE, $375.00; BEATRICE CONCRETE CO , SU, $11,774.43; G & P DEVELOP LANDFILL, SE, $20.50; HUSKER AUTO GRP , EQ, $138,417.00; J R WELDING , SE, $173.66; JOHNSON SAND & GRAVEL, SU, $11,128.59; LANCASTER CO ENGINEER , SE, $1,522.00; MAINELLI WAGNER , SE, $10,181.35; MIDWEST AUTO PARTS, EQ, $2,329.68; NE PUBLIC POWER DIST, UT, $80.29; NE STATE FIRE MARSHAL, SE, $360.00; NEXTLINK AIS, UT, $47.95; NMC, INC, EQ, $20,669.35; OVERHEAD DOOR CO , SE, $233.50; PAC N SAVE, SU, $1,086.42; RDO TRUCK CENTERS, EQ, $2,762.04; SEWARD CO TREASURER, SE, $45.00; SHAFFER COMMUNIC, EQ, $5,072.70; SMALL ENGINE SPECIALISTS , SE, $1,126.41; SUMMIT FIRE PROTECT, SE, $3,397.65; TRUCK CENTER COMPANIES, SE, $71.76; VERIZON CONNECT NWF, UT, $696.38; VILLAGE OF GARLAND, UT, $86.23; DALE JOHNSON ENT, SU, $8,354.75; SOUTHWEST GRAVEL , SU, $6,501.69; NEUTRAL GROUNDS, SE, $2,500.00; SEWARD CO HLTH CLM FND, FE, $130,267.64; MORGAN CAMPBELL, SE, $71.57; ART ON DISPLAY, SE, $820.00; MAXMILIAN MCKEEVER, SE, $17,428.54; FAST FORENSICS , SE, $5,410.00; SPORTS EXPRESS, SU, $1,151.55; POLICE OFFICERS ASSN NEBRASKA, FE, $163.00; WESTERN OIL II LLC, SU, $108.30; MOTIVATE 2 COMMUNICATE, SE, $150.00; KIRKHAM, MICHAEL & ASSOC, SE, $18,281.63; BLACK HILLS ENERGY, UT, $40.19; FIRST WIRELESS, , UT, $1,047.06; ST OF NE DAS COMMUNIC, SE, $844.80; CENTURYLINK, SE, $4,582.63; FIBER PLATFORM, SE, $327.00; CIDNET, SE, $2,692.82; WELLBEING INITIATIVE, FE, $1,000.00; SALARIES, $320,664.04; GROSS SALARIES INCLUDE DEDUCTIONS TO: AMERITAS DENTAL, AMERITAS VISION, COLONIAL SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE, MID AMERICAN CO WISCONSIN, POINT C FSA, WADDELL & REED. SCI/MT — December 25, 2024 ZNEZ