Board of Education Regular Meeting Template School District of Seward 410 South Street Seward, NE 68434 Monday, June 10, 2024 7:00 PM Attendance Taken at 7:00 PM. Paul Duer: Present Matt Hastings: Absent Jill Hochstein: Present Ryne Seaman: Present Danielle Shipley: Present Shawn Svoboda: Present 1. Preliminary Procedures 1.1. Call meeting to order & announce Open Meetings Act is Posted 1.2. Public Notice as publicized per board policy The public notice was publicized in the Seward County Independent and posted at city hall, library and courthouse. The public notice was dated June 5, 2024. 1.3. Roll Call 1.3.1. Action to excuse board members if necessary Motion to excuse Matt Hastings from tonight's meeting Passed with a motion by Danielle Shipley and a second by Paul Duer. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 1.4. Pledge of Allegiance 1.5. 1.5 Mission Seward Public Schools - a district rooted in excellence - in cooperation with family and community members is committed to the development of the whole student and affirms that all students will have the skills to become productive, resilient, and contributing members of their community. 1.6. Approval of Agenda Motion to approve the agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Paul Duer and a second by Shawn Svoboda. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 1.7. Alternative School Graduation Kelsey Cole completed the requirements at Seward High School and received her high school diploma from President Seaman. 2. Student Fees Hearing-Review Fees and receipted and expensed during the 2023-2024 school year and request input from the public in regard to potential policy changes There was none. 3. Public Forum: (The Board President reserves the right to place time limits on individuals and topics.) 3.1. Public Forum on Agenda Items: This is your opportunity to speak to items on the agenda. If you are not a part of the presentation of the agenda item you need to speak now. Thank you for your participation. Nicole Briggs discussed concerns with the extra-curricular discipline portion of the student handbook. 3.2. Public Forum on Any Topic: This is your opportunity to speak to any topic concerning the school district. Since it is not an agenda item the board cannot discuss or take action at this time on the matter. Future discussion can be requested as an agenda item. Thank you for your participation. There was none. 4. Reports 4.1. Administrator Reports Written reports were received from the administrators. 4.2. Superintendent's Report Dr. Fields discussed the highway construction going on in town. Dr. Fields gave the board a summer project update - Pour and play will now be done in late June. The elementary cafeteria is done with painting and working on removing tile and carpet. All gym floors are done. Cleaning is in progress throughout the district. They are working on building quiet rooms at the middle school and the bus garage bathroom. The July Board Meeting is on Monday, July 8th and we will meet at 5:30 with only one meeting. Dr. Fields discussed Board Quick Links. 5. Discussion Items 6. Action Items 6.1. Student Handbooks Motion to approve the student handbooks with the changes of option A to the high school student handbook Passed with a motion by Paul Duer and a second by Jill Hochstein. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 6.2. Mower Motion to approve the quote of $44,548.40 from Midwest Turf and Irrigation for a Ventrac machine and mower Passed with a motion by Jill Hochstein and a second by Shawn Svoboda. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 6.3. Concrete Bid Motion to approve the bid up to $41,546 from Schaefer Concrete Passed with a motion by Shawn Svoboda and a second by Danielle Shipley. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 6.4. Classified Staff 2024-2025 Package Motion to approve the classified staff package for the 2024-2025 school year with the starting pay now at $15.25. Passed with a motion by Paul Duer and a second by Jill Hochstein. Ryne Seaman: Abstain (With Conflict), Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 6.5. 2024-2025 Middle Management Package Motion to approve the middle management package for the 2024-2025 school year. Passed with a motion by Paul Duer and a second by Shawn Svoboda. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 6.6. 2024-2025 Administrative Package Motion to approve the administrative package for the 2024-2025 school year. Passed with a motion by Danielle Shipley and a second by Paul Duer. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 6.7. Superintendent Contract Motion to approve the superintendent's contract as presented. Passed with a motion by Shawn Svoboda and a second by Paul Duer. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 6.8. New Suburban Motion to approve the quote from Sid Dillion of Crete for $60,000 from the depreciation fund for a 2024 Suburban. Passed with a motion by Jill Hochstein and a second by Danielle Shipley. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 6.9. Interlocal Agreement with the City of Seward Motion to approve the interlocal agreement as presented between the City of Seward and the School District of Seward for the use of the north water tower to place our radio antenna for our buses. Passed with a motion by Paul Duer and a second by Jill Hochstein. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 6.10. Open a money market account Motion to open a money market account at Jones Bank for the general fund Passed with a motion by Paul Duer and a second by Danielle Shipley. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 7. Future Agenda Items Policies Budget 8. Consent Agenda 8.1. Approval of Minutes 8.2. Approval of Financial Reports 8.2.1. Treasurer 8.2.2. Budget 8.2.3. Activities 8.2.4. Athletic 8.3. Approval of Claims 8.3.1. General Fund - $1,976,695.48 8.3.2. Bond Fund - $59,082.50 8.4. Approval of Consent Agenda Motion to approve the consent agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Shawn Svoboda and a second by Danielle Shipley. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea 9. Adjournment Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 PM with the next regular board meeting scheduled for Monday, July 8 at 5:30 Passed with a motion by Jill Hochstein and a second by Shawn Svoboda. Paul Duer: Yea, Jill Hochstein: Yea, Ryne Seaman: Yea, Danielle Shipley: Yea, Shawn Svoboda: Yea Prepared by: Jill Hochstein Heidi Covert Secretary Salaries for May, 807,830.29; Jones Bank, 21,727.35; Tennessee Child Support, 9.99; Jones Bank, 172,710.31; Nebraska Child Support, 1,166.00; ASPIRE, 8,000.00; Jones Bank, 25,138.63; Tennessee Child Support, 9.99; Pitney Bowes, 2,500.00; Jones Bank, 23,429.10; Tennessee Child Support, 9.99; NPERS, 201,818.99; NE Dept. of Revenue, 34,690.29; Inspira Financial, 3,326.36; Acco Brands, 1,302.05; Allo, 172.00; Amazon Capital Services, 3,667.42; Ameritas, 1,113.60; Apple Inc, 2,299.00; ASCD, 105.00; Awards Unlimited, 103.59; Axt, Scott, 150.00; Baker, Noelle, 215.14; Beaver Hardware, 175.26; Beierle, Summer, 351.62; Blick Art Materials, 510.99; BlueCross BlueShield, 242,329.56; BrainPOP LLC, 363.00; Breakout, Inc, 99.00; Broadwell, Karen, 56.72; Bureau of Education & Research, Inc, 295.00; Campbells Cleaning, 12,500.00; CareerSafe, 1,920.00; Cast, Krystin, 29.26; Cengage Learning, 9,968.44; Central Nebraska Rehabilitation Services, 6,400.01; Ceramic Shop, The, 1,098.99; City of Seward Utility Dept, 32,491.29; Cornhusker International Trucks, Inc, 320.85; Credit Bureau Services Inc, 326.50; Credit Management Services Inc, 105.02; Culligan, 40.00; Dietze Music, 1,227.45; Dominy, Jessica, 150.00; Dominy, Matt, 150.00; Eber, Rich, 150.00; Egan Supply Co., 17,214.80; Elan Financial Services, 818.23; Emerson, Halee, 225.74; eSpecial Needs, 28.85; ESU 5, 11,145.75; ESU 6, 17,261.31; ESU 7, 261.25; Fields, Josh, 600.00; Follett, 1,716.99; Gerhold Concrete, 75.90; GibbsSmith Education, 9,378.31; Glaser Ceramics, 1,256.32; Glass Doctor, 408.40; Gopher, 62.99; Kirk Gottschalk, 150.00; Grainger, 158.98; Gray, Jocelyn, 27.59; Happy Numbers, Inc, 29.00; Holiday Inn, 264.90; Hotsy Equipment, 676.83; Inspira Financial, 112.20; Interstate All Battery Center, 795.60; In-Tune Partners, 399.00; John Deere Financial, 270.55; Krause, Katherine, 1,000.00; KSB School Law, 1,500.00; Lee's Refrigeration, 656.03; Lincoln Journal Star, 99.00; Literacy Resources, LLC, 192.24; Madison National Life, 2,835.50; Matheson, 504.87; McGraw Hill, 52,996.54; McKeown, Sarah, 444.51; Meehl, Jan, 2,499.95; Menards, 36.42; Midwest Auto Parts, 249.58; Midwest Technology Products, 49.30; MobileServe, 2,692.80; NAEA, 450.00; NCECBVI, 1,530.00; Nebraska Academic Decathlon Foundation, 250.00; Nebraska Department of Education, 250.00; Nebraska Library Commission, 1,314.29; Nebraska Safety Center, 450.00; One Source, 150.00; O'Reilly, 87.66; Pac N Save, 344.94; Paper 101, 14,004.55; Paper Tiger, 147.85; Pfeiffer, Angela, 228.92; Pinkall, Jenny, 31.84; Piskorski, Pat, 72.00; Pitney Bowes, 744.78; Platform Athletics, 1,200.00; PowerSchool Group LLC, 7,036.51; Precision Alignment LLC, 1,463.84; Providence, 387.55; Ratkovec, Tina , 49.63; Roth, April, 34.40; Safety Kleen, 398.28; School Datebooks, 857.58; School Dist. Of Seward Board Revolving Fund, 6,608.83; School Specialty, 1,236.69; Securly, Inc, 1,900.00; Seward County Independent, 9.09; Seward Lumber, 56.54; Shaw, Karen, 85.00; Sherwin Williams, 1,341.64; Sodexo, 91,208.93; Sphero, 115.00; Steve Weiss Music, 394.35; Sweetwater, 1,102.94; TCI, 74,645.90; Teacher Innovations, Inc, 13.50; Teacher's Discovery, 117.96; TK Elevator Corp., 393.87; Truck Center Companies, 928.63; Turnwall, Kim, 416.59; Unite Private Networks, LLC, 1,476.28; University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 50.00; UNUM, 532.80; Uribe, 3,001.89; US Bank, 2,209.36; Verizon, 207.50; Visa, 272.78; Waterlink, 225.00; WHC NE LLC, 2,430.01; Windstream, 266.99; Zultys, 2,312.51. SCI — June 19, 2024 ZNEZ